Buena Park's Ehlers Event
has a very nice hall, with a good floor and air conditioning. It's also
quite large. The hall can hold over
20 squares without appearing crowded. We usually dance in the hall
just west of the parking lot, the east end of the Senior Center. Come visit us! You won't
be disappointed!
Not only is the Buena Park Ehlers Event Center a great place to dance, but it's also easy to find. It's in BuenaPark (you guessed it!) on Knott Avenue (just south of the 91 freeway), between Crescent and La Palma. If
you're coming up from Crescent towards La Palma, look for the Ehlers Event Center
on the right side of the street. If you're going down from La Palma to Crescent,
you'll see the Ehlers Event Center on the left side of the street. The building isright off Knott and has a big sign--a big parking lot too. You can't miss
Drive around to the back. The hall we usually dance in is
in the back of the center. Some times we get the Senior Hall, entered through
the Patio.