
Our Club
Club Board
Summer Workshop
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Our Hall
Singles Rotation
Square Dance Links
More Clubs
Web Masters

For more information call Marietta 

(562) 865-5415

or Jan

(714) 229-9623

Who are we?

David Levine

I am an active member of the Boys'N'Berries and I have been Web co-master since 2000. I started Square Dancing in 1976, but took a vacation from 1986 to 1999. In my past I have danced as high as A2 level, but am content to dance at Plus level at this time. I feel that the purpose of belonging to a club is to work for the club- to do the work to put on Dances.

Who started this Web Site?

Bill Robe

I am an active member of the Boys'N'Berries. Because I enjoy the club, I wanted to put information about it out where everyone could find it. Square Dancing is fun. Why don't you join us sometime and see for yourself?

Carol Robe

I am not part of the club, but I think it's great because I've seen how much fun my parents have with it--going to classes, dances, exhibitions, and campouts.

Alan Zdaniewicz

I was an active member of the Boys'N'Berries, but moved out of the Southern California area this year. I was Webmaster 1999- 2002. I started Square Dancing in 1997. Since I like the technical side of Square Dancing, I now dance at the A2 level.